

Eat me drink me
Lest We Forget
The Golden Age Of Grotesque
Holy Wood (In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death)
Mechanical Animals
Antichrist Superstar
Smells Like Children
Portrait Of An American Family
Spooky Kids
Unofficial Stuff


John 5s Hoodie

Hoodie, signiert und getragen von John 5 auf der weltweiten "Grotesk Burlesk Tour 2003"


Promotion Aufsteller für "The Golden Age Of Grotesque" (signiert)


Drumstick, benutzt von Ginger Fish beim Konzert in der Münchner Olympiahalle am 8.12.2003


Setlist vom Konzert in der Münchner Olympiahalle am 8.12.2003


Flyer für das Konzert in der Münchner Olympiahalle am 8.12.2003



Wind-Up-Toys "mOBSCENE" + "Fight Song"


"Marilyn Manson vs. Goldfrapp - This is the new shit" White Label 1-sided Promo LP 12" (mit Stempel)


Promo Sheet

"Marilyn Manson vs. Goldfrapp - This is the new shit" Presseinformation



"This is the new shit" Picturedisk Maxi LP 10"


"mOBSCENE" Blue Colour Vinyl Maxi LP 7" inklusive Mini Poster


"The Golden Age Of Grotesque" LP 12"


Tourbook "Grotesk Burlesk"


"The Golden Age Of Grotesque" (CD - CD+DVD SE Doppelherz - CD censored import)


Maxi Promo CD "mOBSCENE" (1Track)


Maxi Promo CD "mOBSCENE" (2Tracks/Cardsleeve)


UK Maxi Promo CD "mOBSCENE" (2Tracks)


German Maxi CD "mOBSCENE"


Australian Maxi CD"mOBSCENE" (inklusive MM-Button zum anstecken)


e Single DVD "mOBSCENE" (inklusive Interviews und 4 Dokumentationsclips zu GAOG)


UK Maxi Promo CD "This Is The New Shit" (Goldfrapp Remix)


German Maxi CD "This Is The New Shit"


Limited German Pock-It 3"CD "This Is The New Shit"


Promo Maxi Cardsleeve CD "This Is The New Shit" (2Tracks)


Single DVD "This Is The New Shit"


Japanese EP-CD "This Is The New Shit" (7Audio + 3Video Tracks, OBI-Strip, anderes CD-Cover)


Rare Spanish DVD "A Grotesque Evening With Marilyn Manson"
(Spielzeit 60 Minuten mit Interviews und dem Auftritt auf der Volksbühne Berlin)


German MaxiCD "Tainted Love"


Promo Maxi CD "Tainted Love"
(Unveröffentliche Soundtrack Single zu "Not Another Teen Movie")



2-seitiger Promoaufsteller "This is the new shit" (12"x12")



Promosticker (4,5"x4,5")


Nach oben
Lest we forget
Äras Übersicht
Holy Wood (In the shadow of the valley of death)